CDS English Exam Paper – 15 February 2015

CDS English Exam Paper - 15 February 2015

Combined Defense Services (CDS) English solved exam paper conducted by UPSC on 15 February 2015 available here. UPSC organizes CDS Exam twice in a year. This is a first CDS exam paper of year 2015. CDS exam will consist of three papers – English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics.

Exam Paper :— (CDS) English
Exam Organizer :— Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Exam Date :— 15 February 2015

(See other paper of this exam – General Knowledge Paper)

CDS (English) solved exam paper (1st) 2015


Directions – in this section you have five short passage. After each passage, you will find some question based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the question based on it, you are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and opinion of the author only.

Passage – I

A little man beside me was turning over the ages of a magazine quickly and nervously. Opposite me there was a young mother who was trying to restrain her son from making a noise. The boy had obviously grown weary of waiting. He had placed an ashtray on the floor and was making aeroplanenoises as he waved a pencil in his hands. Near him, an old man was fast asleep, snoring quickly to himself and the boy’s mother was afraid that sooner or later her son would wake the gentleman up.

1. The noise was made by –
A. the old man
B. the aeroplane
C. the little man
D. the boy

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Answer – D

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2. The person who was the least disturbed was the –
A. observer
B. son
C. old man
D. little man

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Answer – C

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3. The factor common to all the people was that they were all –
A. watching a film
B. waiting for something
C. looking at the little boy’s playfulness
D. reading magazine

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Answer – B

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4. Among those present the one who appeared to the most bored was the –
A. child
B. little man
C. old man
D. mother

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Answer – A

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Passage – II

A man had two blacksmiths for his neighbours. Their names were pengu and shengu. The man was greatly troubled by the noise of their hammers. He decided to talk to them. The next day he called both of them and offered ₹ 100 each, if they found new huts for themselves. They took the money and agreed to find new huts for themselves. They took the money and agreed to find new huts for themselves. The next morning he woke up again to the sound of their hammers. He went out to see why the blacksmiths hadn’t found new huts and he discovered that pengu and shengu had kept their promise. They had exchanged their huts.

5. The man was troubled because-
A. the blacksmiths always fought with each others
B. the blacksmiths’ hammers made a lot of noise
C. he was afraid of blacksmiths
D. the blacksmiths did not do their work properly

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Answer – B

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6. The man gave them money because-
A. the blacksmiths were poor
B. the blacksmiths had asked him for money
C. he did not want them to make a noise
D. he wanted them to find new huts

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Answer – D

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7. The man went out of his house because-
A. he wanted to fight with the blacksmiths
B. he wanted to ask the blacksmiths to stop the noise
C. he wanted to find out why they hadn’t found new huts
D. he wanted his money back from the blacksmiths

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Answer – C

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8. The man came to know that-
A. the blacksmiths were not in their huts
B. the blacksmiths had exchanged huts
C. the blacksmiths were going away
D. the blacksmiths had not kept their promise

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Answer – B

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This tigress was a mile away and the ground between her and us was densely wooded, scattered over with great rocks and cut up by a number of deep ravines, but the could cover the distance wel within the half-hour – if she wanted to. The question i had to decide was, whether or not i should try to call her. If i called and she heard me, and came while it was still daylight and gave me a chance to shoot her, all would be well; on the other hand. If she came and did not give me a shot, some of us would not reach camp, for we had nearly two miles to go and path the whole way ran through heavy jungle.

9. According to the author –
A. the tigress wanted to cover the distance within the half-hour
B. the tigress did not wish to cover the distance within the half-hour
C. the tigress actually covered the distance within the half-hour
D. there was a possibility of the tigress covering the distance within the half-hours

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Answer – D

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10. The author says, “some of us would not reach camp”, because –
A. it was two miles away
B. the tigress would kill some of them
C. the path is not suitable for walking
D. the ground was scattered over with great rocks

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Answer – B

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11. The author found it difficult to decide the question because –
A. he was afraid
B. the tigress was only a mile away
C. the ground between them was densely wooded
D. there was uncertainty about the reaction of the tigress to his call

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Answer – D

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12. The time available to the author for shooting the tigress was –
A. the whole day
B. one night
C. a few hours
D. thirty minutes

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Answer – C

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13. When the author says ‘all would be well’, he means –
A. that they would be able to hide them-selves in the in the heavy jungle
B. that the tigress would run away to the deep ravines
C. that they would be able to shoot her down without difficulty
D. that they should be able to return in daylight

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Answer – D

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After lunch, i felt at a loose end and roamed about the little flat. It suited us well enough when mother was with me, but now i was by myself it was too large and i’d moved the dining room table into my bedroom. That was now the only room i used; it had all the furniture i needed; a brass bedstead, a dressing table, some cane chairs whose seats had more or less caved in, a wardrobe with a tarnished mirror. the rest of the flat was never used, so i didn’t trouble to look after it.

14. The flat did not really suit him any more because –
A. the rooms were too small
B. he was living on his own now
C. his mother needed too much rooms
D. the flat itself was too little

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Answer – B

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15. He did not look after the rest of the flat because –
A. he did not use it
B. the bedroom was much too large
C. he needed only the brass bedstead
D. he had too much furniture

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Answer – A

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16. “………now i was by myself i was too large”.
The .word it here refers to –
A. the dining room table
B. the dining room
C. the bedroom
D. the flat

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Answer – D

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17. From the passage we learn that the writer was –
A. scared of living alone in the flat
B. dissatisfied with the flat
C. satisfied with the space in his bedroom
D. an eccentric person

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Answer – C

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18. “After lunch i felt at a loose and” means –
A. he had nothing specific to do
B. had a rope with a loose end
C. had much work to do
D. had a feeling of anxiety

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Answer – D

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Passage – V

The overwhelming vote given by the greater part of the public has so far been in favour of films which pass the time easily and satisfy that part of our imagination which depends on the more obvious kind of daydreams. We make up for what we secretly regard as our deficiencies by watching the stimulating adventures of the other people who are stronger, more effective, or more beautiful than we are. The conventional stars act out daydreams for us in a onstant succession of exciting situations set in the open space, in the jungles or in the underworld og great cities which abounds in crime and violence. We would not dare to be in such situations but the situations are very exciting to watch since our youth is being spent in day-to-day routine of school, office or home.

19. According to the passage, most of us prefer films which –
A. overwhelm our imagination
B. depict our times
C. fulfil our secret wishes
D. appeal to our reason

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Answer – A

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20. By watching thrilling adventures in films we make up for –
A. the effectiveness of our desires
B. the shortcomings in our life
C. the stimulation of our everyday life
D. the influence which we don’t have

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Answer – B

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21. Film star present situations –
A. which are familiar to us, the city dwellers
B. which we have seen only in jungles
C. which we meet everyday at work
D. which excite us

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Answer – D

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22. Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, we are aware that –
A. we are weak and plain
B. we are both powerful and handsome
C. we are as strong as film heroes
D. we are more beautiful than film star

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Answer – A

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23. The daily life of students, office-goers and housewives is –
A. full of new adventures
B. the same dull repetition
C. stimulating to their imagination
D. very exciting to them

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Answer – B

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Spotting Errors

Directions – each question in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled (A), (B) and (C). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any part and indicate your response in the answer sheet against the corresponding letter i.e., (A) or (B) or (C). if you find no error, your response should be indicated as (D).

24. A.The reason for
B. his failure is because
C. he did not work hard
D. no error

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Answer – B

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25. A. food as well as water
B. is necessary
C. for life
D. no error

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Answer – D

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26. A. india is larger than
B. any democracies
C. in the world
D. no error

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Answer – B

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27. A. the judge heard the arguments
B. of the lawyers and found
C. that the boy was innocent
D. no error

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Answer – B

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28. A. i have lived

B. in delhi
C. from 1965.
D. no error

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Answer – C

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29. A. all scientists agree
B. that there should be
C. a total ban nuclear explosions
D. no error

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Answer – D

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30. A. such books
B. which you read
C. are not worth reading

D. no error

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Answer – A

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