UPPSC LT Grade Biology subject exam paper 29 July 2018 (Answer key)

UPPSC LT Grade Biology subject exam paper 29 July 2018 (Answer key)

UPPSC LT Grade exam paper of 29 July 2018 Biology subject 120 questions with Answer key are available here. UP LT Grade exam paper 2018 is conducted by UPPSC (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission).

Post :— Assistant Teacher
Subject :— Biology
Exam Organizer :— UPPSC
Exam Date :— 29/07/2018
Total Question :— 150
[ This Question paper in Hindi language available here. ]

UP LT Grade Biology exam paper 2018

Part-2 (Biology )

Question number 1 to 30 are from General Studies, which is available here.

31. Keratin is not found in the epidermis of
(a) fish
(b) reptile
(c) bird
(d) mammal

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Answer – A

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32. Rathke’s pouch is related to
(a) pituitary
(b) adrenal
(c) gonad
(d) urinary bladder

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Answer – A

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33. Consider the following statements :
1. All fishes lay eggs.
2. All birds do not fly.

3. All lizards are poisonous.
4. None of the mammal is poisonous.
(5) 5. Poison of viper is neurotoxic.

Which of the above statements ‘issar correct?
(a) Only 1 and 2 are corrects
(b) Only 2 is correct
(c) Only 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(d) Only 2 and 5 are correct

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Answer – B

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34. Tunica dartos is located in the
(a) testis
(b) ovary
(c) vagina
(d) scrotum

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Answer – A

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35. Renal portal system is absent in
(a) frog
(b) rabbit
(c) lizard
(d) reptile

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Answer – B

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36. Intercalated discs are found in
(a) visceral muscle
(b) skeletal muscle
(c) cardiac muscles feet
(d) All of the above

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Answer – C

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37. Which one of the following is not a vestigial organ in man?
(a) Vermiform appendix
(b) Plica semilunaris
(c) Ear muscles
(d) Epiglottish

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Answer – D

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38. Which of the following is the closest relative of man?
(a) Orangutan
(b) Java Man fto be
(c) Cro-Magnon Man
(d) Heidelberg Manchest

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Answer – C

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39. Mutation is essential for evolution, because
(a) it causes recombination
(b) it produces new variations
(c) it brings a balance in the environment
(d) it stops the struggle for existence

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Answer – B

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40. Oviparous mammals originated in the period
(a) Permian
(b) Triassic
(c) Jurassic
(d) Cretaceous

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Answer – B

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41. Synaptic speciation occurs due to
(a) polyploidy
(b) aneuploidy
(c) isolation
(d) None of the above

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Answer – A

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42. Pseudocoelom is the conditon when
(a) there is no coelomic cavity
(b) coelomic cavity is lined by mesoderm
(c) coelomic cavity is not lined by mesoderm
(d) coelomic muscles cavity is filled with muscles

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Answer – C

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43. Analogous organs develop due to
(a) convergent evolution
(b) divergent evolution
(c) parallel evolution Fernando
(d) progressive evolution

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Answer – A

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44. The cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is formed by
(a) protein filaments
(b) carbohydrate molecules is
(c) long-chain fatty acids
(d) CaCO3 molecules

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Answer – A

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45. The lampbrush chromosomes are found in the oocytes of
(a) amphibians
(b) reptiles and birds
(c) insects and starfish
(d) All of the above

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Answer – A

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46. Most of the prokaryotic cells are devoid of
(a) cholesterol
(b) cardiolipin
(c) nucleic acid
(d) ribosomes

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Answer – B

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47. How many sex chromosomes are present in human sperm?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 44
(d) 46

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Answer – A

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48. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was given by
(a) A. Weismann
(b) J. B. Lamarck bil
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) Charles Darwin

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Answer – B

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49. If two dominant or recessive non-allele genes are found on same chromosome, the condition is known as
(a) coupling or cis phase
(b) repulsion or trans phaseid
(c) both cis and trans phase
(d) None of the above

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Answer – A

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50. In formulating the well-established ‘law of inheritance’, Mendel has used which of the following organisms?
(a) Drosophila
(b) Snapdragon
(c) Garden pea
(d) Sweet pea

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Answer – C

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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 responses to “UPPSC LT Grade Biology subject exam paper 29 July 2018 (Answer key)”

  1. Gajendra Singh

    Thanks a lot for uploading the question paper.It is really helpful.

  2. Priti

    Sir, plz upload rest of the questions of Group B, i.e; Biology.

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