UPPSC LT Grade English subject exam paper 29 July 2018 (Answer key)

UPPSC LT Grade English subject exam paper 29 July 2018 (Answer key)

UPPSC LT Grade exam paper of 29 July 2018 English subject 120 questions with Answer key are available here. UP LT Grade exam paper 2018 is conducted by UPPSC (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission).

Post :— Assistant Teacher
Exam Organizer :— UPPSC
Exam Date :— 29/07/2018
Total Question :— 150

UP LT Grade exam paper 2018

Part-2 (English)

Question number 1 to 30 are from General Studies, which is available here.

31. Which among the  following is a sonnet?
(a) Break, Break, Break
(b) ozymandias
(c) the cononization
(d) Tintern

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Answer -B

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32. A sonnet having three quatrains and a couplet with rhyming scheme-abab, cdcd, efef, gg-is called
(a) miltonic sonnet
(b) petrarchan sonnet
(c) shakespearean sonnet
(d) Italian sonnet

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Answer – C

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33. Who introduced ‘ottava rima’ into English?
(a) Chaucer
(b) Byron
(c) Wyatt
(d) milton

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Answer -C

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34. The pindaric Ode consists of
(a) strophe, epode, antipode
(b) strophe, antistrophe, epode
(c) epede, antipode, strophe
(d) strophe, antipode, epode

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Answer -B

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35. What is blank verse?
(a) It has a metre but no rhyme.
(b) It has no metre and no rhyme.
(c) It has a rhyme but no metre.
(d) none of the above

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Answer – A

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36. The greatest poet of dramatic monologue in English is
(a) Shakespeare
(b) John Donne
(c) Tennyson
(d) Robert Browning

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Answer -D

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37. ‘Litotes’ means
(a) a change of life
(b) opposite of hyperbole
(c) abstract notions
(d) concrete irony

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Answer -B

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38. Which of the following is not an elegy?
(a) Elegy Written in a country Churchyard
(b) Adonais
(c) Tintern Abbey
(d) Mahatme Gandhi

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Answer -C

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39. The Reformation Movement was led by
(a) Ptolemaic
(b) Martin Luther
(c) Roman Catholic Church
(d) Mahatma Gandhi

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Answer -B

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40. Who said “Donne affects the metaphysics not only in his satires but also in his amorous verses”?
(a) John Dryden
(b) Samuel Johnson
(c) T. S. Eliot
(d) Matthew Arnold

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Answer -A

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41. Ben Jonson Wrote ____ comedies.
(a) romantic
(b) classical
(c) absurd
(d) farcical

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42. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is
(a) an allegory
(b)  a satire
(c) a comedy
(d) a romance

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Answer -A

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43. Eminent Victorians by Lytton Strachey is
(a) an autobiography
(b) a biography
(c) a memoir
(d) a travelogue

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Answer -B

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44. Who among the following is not associated with the pre-Raphaelite brotherhood ?
(a) D. G. Rossetti
(b) Dylan Thomas
(c) W. H. Hunt
(d) J. E. Millais

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Answer -B

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45. Expressionism as a movement originated in the early 20th century in
(a) France
(b) England
(c) Germany
(d) Italy

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Answer -C

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46. Who among the following is the Movement poet?
(a) Ted Hughes
(b) T. S. Eliot
(c) W. H. Auden
(d) philip Larkin

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Answer -D

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47. Who said, “A thought to Donne was an experience. It modified his sensibility”?
(a) Dr. Johnson
(b) T. S. Eliot
(c)  I. A. Richards
(d) F. R. Leavis

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Answer -B

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48. The term ‘conceit’ has relevance in
(a) Elizabethan poetry
(b) Restoration poetry
(c) Eighteenth century poetry
(d) Metaphysical poetry

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Answer -D

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49. The ‘coffeehouse’ culture flourished in
(a) the early eighteenth century
(b) the nineteenth century
(c) the sixteenth century
(d) the twentieth century

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Answer -A

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50. The phrase ‘stamped face’ in Donne’s poem. The Canonization refers to
(a) a postal stamp
(b) a coin
(c) the face that has been struck
(d) the face that has suppressed a rebellion

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Answer -B

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One response to “UPPSC LT Grade English subject exam paper 29 July 2018 (Answer key)”

  1. Ajay

    Very nice work

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